Creating a Clear Vision

September will mark 14 years since I started inVision as a Creative Business Coach, and while I’m excited about  celebrating this anniversary, I’m also grateful to be able to acknowledge how far I’ve come as a business woman.

The past 14 years have been an amazing journey — filled with successes, challenges, and many days that have inspired me to utilize my own tools for staying focused on my ultimate goals. Perhaps it’s the reflections I’ve had on what brought me to this point that can help you, as you navigate your own path.

I vividly recall the day I sat for hours in a public library, facing blank pieces of paper, dreaming about what I wanted. The questions I asked myself then, I now ask many of you: “Where do I see myself in 2, 5, and 10 years?” As I wrote my answers, I began to see clearly what I wanted, who I wanted to work with, and where to find these people.

I continued to write down the fine details of who my clients might be …where they were located … how much money I wanted to earn … and what kind of benefit I could deliver to each person.

As I think back on it now, I realize that this simple exercise delivered what I asked for. Over time it has grown, expanded and evolved, but the basics are still the same. Having a clear idea of what I want, and then actually writing it down, altered my life forever.

As my “gift” to you, I’ve attached a one-page downloadable worksheet for your use here: ”Creating Your Own Vision“. This includes some thoughts and questions for you to consider. Reflect on the questions, and come up with your own answers for a vision statement that inspires you. I’m confident you’ll gain new clarity that will help you focus on what you really want.

Once you’ve completed the worksheet, feel free to contact me. I’d be happy to offer feedback and discuss the next steps toward achieving your goals.

Cheers, RaShelle

About RaShelle

Prior to forming inVision a decade ago, RaShelle operated as a business partner, directing the marketing and business development of a thriving design firm in Southern California. She has studied under the industry’s top leaders - attending and leading sessions that discuss leadership skills, innovative business-development techniques, and marketing strategies. RaShelle also has contributed to leadership retreats, addressing the challenges and the successes of the creative industry. In addition, she has been featured in both the Self-Promo Issue and the Business Annual for HOW Magazine. RaShelle is an active member of the creative community, has served on the various chapter boards of the AIGA, and works closely with organizations that support creative expression as a way of healing for troubled youth.
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