Happy New Year and some other good stuff

Happy New Year!!

Wow what a year 2012 was!

Hello 2013!!

Along with new year wishes I have some cool stuff happening I want to share.

First, If you haven’t already acknowledge your accomplishments in 2012 or thought about what you’d like to create in 2013 here are three great questions for you to start with.

1. What was most memorable/important for you in 2012?
2. What was your biggest life lesson in 2012?
3. What is most important for you to create in 2013?

These questions are a great start but if you are looking for more and when I say more – I mean your are ready- really ready to make 2013 into your best year ever!
If that is YOU I have 2 programs I have started in 2013. A three-month and a six-month program depending on what you want to accomplish. Both programs we will…
*Create a plan with heart and soul that brings balance and clarity
*Identify what it means to grow your business and then begin to take those steps with guidance and fine-tuning along the way
*Help you create consistency and accountability
And much more. Bottom-line it’s not easy taking a dream and turning it into something real, living and breathing on it’s own! It’s my passion to help Creatives really rock it and now is the time!

I offer a 1/2 hour sample session for free if you want to find out more! Just call or email me to schedule a time.

2013 marks 15 yrs of running my business as a Creative Coach. That feels like an amazing accomplishment- it also comes with a lot of eye opening realizations and I want to share those with my favorite Creatives. That is You! I remember when people didn’t even know what coaching was.

Last but not least… I’m starting the year off with a workshop focused on getting clear about what you really want to create in 2013 and tools to help you get there! It’s filling up fast! Here is the event link for you to check out! http://www.facebook.com/events/559350074093281/?suggestsessionid=8387476981357354754

This year feels different! I feel the excitement for a new beginning, new possibilities, and go for our desires in a new way! I have several new programs, a blog, and other goodies being unveiled this year. My greatest desire is to help Creative Professionals have the careers they always dreamed of!  I look forward to being a part of that path, however that may look!

RaShelle Roberts
inVision } coaching for the creative professional
T :: 702.287.0044
E :: rashelle@getinvision.com
W :: http://www.getinvision.com

About RaShelle

Prior to forming inVision a decade ago, RaShelle operated as a business partner, directing the marketing and business development of a thriving design firm in Southern California. She has studied under the industry’s top leaders - attending and leading sessions that discuss leadership skills, innovative business-development techniques, and marketing strategies. RaShelle also has contributed to leadership retreats, addressing the challenges and the successes of the creative industry. In addition, she has been featured in both the Self-Promo Issue and the Business Annual for HOW Magazine. RaShelle is an active member of the creative community, has served on the various chapter boards of the AIGA, and works closely with organizations that support creative expression as a way of healing for troubled youth.
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