BREW a conversation for Creatives… Online.

Do you want to know how other Creative Professionals deal with industry challenges or how they’ve accomplished their successes?

Join us here… BREW a conversation for Creatives

The intention and purpose:
*Provide tools, strategies and conversations that help your business grow.
*Weekly topics relevant to running your creative company.
*Resources from your peers.
*Build a community of Creative based business owners who have similar successes and challenges.

BREW started 10+ years ago. It started after facilitating a weekend for 9 design firm owners – each firm varied in size and location. What I noticed that weekend as they put everything on the table – from marketing challenges, to having and maintaining a clear vision to profit margins – a light bulb went on for each of them. I took what I saw to a few AIGA chapters and started a monthly roundtable discussion. This discussion went past the small talk and went into the challenges and successes of running a creative company.

Fast forward today – I’m opening this group to see where it can lead us. Since many of you wanted to be part of BREW but location was always an issue – here it is. I’ve worked with Creatives around the globe – here is what I know… doesn’t matter the size of the company or the pay-check the challenges are similar.

BREW is a discussion – a place to listen as much as you ‘talk’. I’m interested in a forward moving conversation. This is an experiment of taking it online. We are all extremely busy- please jump in when it feels right, share an experience that could help a fellow creative, or suggest questions/resources you think will move the conversation forward. I look forward to your input and feedback.

“It’s not easy navigating a business that relies on your creativity. Learning strategies that help you balance, run, and flourish are an essential part of being an entrepreneur. Understanding this – just plain feels good, helps you grow, and determines your bottom line.” ~RaShelle Roberts

If you know someone you think could benefit from BREW and contribute to building a strong community please spread the love and forward.



P.S. 2nd round of Summer Sessions for Creatives are for people who are ready to grow their businesses. I have 6 spots left for this one-on-one coaching program. For all the details HERE

If you are interested but want to know more – I’m scheduling brief Q&A tmr Thursday July 17th & Friday July 18th. Email to schedule a time.

About RaShelle

Prior to forming inVision a decade ago, RaShelle operated as a business partner, directing the marketing and business development of a thriving design firm in Southern California. She has studied under the industry’s top leaders - attending and leading sessions that discuss leadership skills, innovative business-development techniques, and marketing strategies. RaShelle also has contributed to leadership retreats, addressing the challenges and the successes of the creative industry. In addition, she has been featured in both the Self-Promo Issue and the Business Annual for HOW Magazine. RaShelle is an active member of the creative community, has served on the various chapter boards of the AIGA, and works closely with organizations that support creative expression as a way of healing for troubled youth.
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