Top 5 Ways to Improve Your Marketing

I think its safe to say we all have had thoughts about the economy, in some way or another. What keeps coming to mind in the midst of all this, is how important it is to have a clear vision for your business, now more than ever.

I believe the key is to keep our eyes focused on what we really want from our businesses, while keeping mental clutter at bay. This isn’t always an easy process but an essential one during times of confusion or uncertainty.

Along with maintaining clarity, we need practical steps to stay on track. I’ve had many new clients come to me with great urgency, asking me to help them get their marketing up and running… especially now. Our jobs are to do what we do best by delivering a consistent message, over and over.

Throughout the past 14 years I have seen clients struggle with this aspect of their business, and here I have consolidated my five most important directives.

1. Look beyond the tasks- yes, there are many tasks that need attention but it is important not to get bogged down by the need for survival. All though survival is essential, focusing on expanding your existing relationships and creating new ones will allow your business to flourish.

2. Reinvest in yourself -By scheduling time and bringing structure to your marketing, this will keep the momentum going. Even if it’s 2 hours a week, it’s 2 hours more than you would have committed to. In my opinion, no less than 25% of your time should be focused on marketing.

3. Choose something and stick to it- If it’s making 5 phone calls a day, stick with it. Be consistent once you’ve decided on what you could be doing, and follow through. If your really good at networking, set up several events in advance and commit to them. If it’s educating you’re clients through a newsletter, keep it up. What ever you choose to do, have it on auto pilot so it will be consistent. If consistency is a challenge for you, accountability it key!

4. Stay focused on your vision- Keeping an eye on what we want takes the focus off day to day events and ensures the manifestation of your bigger picture. We are planting the seeds now for what we want tomorrow. Think about it- This is when your clients need you the most, where what you do will benefit them, possibly more than you realize. The vision you have for your business may be exactly what they need to connect with.

5. Keep it simple- many times we think more is better. I’m personally not a fan of more- I am a fan of being efficient! Simplicity ensures the quality of your work. Having an over complicated plan can be overwhelming, and stepping it up can actually mean making it more simple. I have utilized this same wisdom many times with great results.

This is the perfect time to stand out! Be noticed for what is different about you and what you offer. The key element here is to not lose excitement and shrink back, but to put yourself out there even more during these challenging times. Necessity is the mother of invention, so be creative – It’s what you do! And try not to succumb to the fear based thinking that is so prevelant today, while keeping abreast of current events. We all know what’s happening but we can choose how we react to it, because our true creative potential lies in our ability to see beyond our perceived limitations.

I’m offering a coaching package that addresses these particular challenges. Feel free to take me up on my 1/2 hour complimentary consultation.

Cheers, RaShelle

About RaShelle

Prior to forming inVision a decade ago, RaShelle operated as a business partner, directing the marketing and business development of a thriving design firm in Southern California. She has studied under the industry’s top leaders - attending and leading sessions that discuss leadership skills, innovative business-development techniques, and marketing strategies. RaShelle also has contributed to leadership retreats, addressing the challenges and the successes of the creative industry. In addition, she has been featured in both the Self-Promo Issue and the Business Annual for HOW Magazine. RaShelle is an active member of the creative community, has served on the various chapter boards of the AIGA, and works closely with organizations that support creative expression as a way of healing for troubled youth.
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